Tuesday 17 May 2016

Skincare Essential Tips 2

 Nutritious Diet

Not all products that are skin-care musts are found in bathroom drawers; some pop up in the kitchen.
Although more extensive research needs to be done on the subject, many foods are strongly suspected of helping skin stay young and healthy looking.
Therefore it's a good idea to eat foods that are fresh and not overly processed -- try shopping more at your local markets and not the high-end supermarkets -- that's where the less healthy food typically lurks. A balanced mix of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants should keep your skin vibrant.
* Biotin, a type of vitamin B, helps replenish skin, along with your hair and nails.
* Vitamin A is big when it comes to repairing damaged tissue and maintaining healthy skin.
* Vitamins C and E are examples of antioxidant powerhouses that box out free radicals and work to protect skin from the sun's fierce rays.

These sorts of good guys can be found in loads of fruits and veggies, as well as many other foods. The right kinds of protein are also important -- they help cells fix themselves when damaged. One study suggests that people who eat things like legumes, vegetables and olive oil, coupled with less sugary foods and dairy products, had less wrinkly skin in old age [source: Purba]. So find a good diet that makes your skin happy and stick to it.

• Sleep

Don't feel guilty the next time you swat the snooze button and roll over in bed...I'm guilty too. Getting a good night's rest is a daily ritual that your skin will punish you for skimping on. That's because sleep is your skin's time to rejuvenate and relax. Whether you love to smile or wear a constant frown, that's a lot of action for your skin to handle. Throw in the occasional cut, scratch, scrape and bruise, and skin is about ready to call it quits.

Skin gets busy replenishing itself during a sound sleep. It's also great because, at least for a portion of the day, skin gets to avoid all the dirt, pollution and any other nastiness floating around in the air.

• Water

Probably sounds a bit basic, but water is a pretty big deal as far as your skin is concerned. Think of it this way -- like the rest of the human body, skin is composed primarily of water, right? But since it's also exposed to the elements, it can lose that water easily and quickly dry out.

Water is like the fountain of youth for the skin, no magical additives needed. It gets some water during showers and baths, but much of the water skin soaks up comes from the inside, meaning you're the one who's in charge of putting it there. And water is very beneficial for skin. For example, it keeps the cells big and juicy, which can help make wrinkles less noticeable. It also works to increase blood flow and clear away built-up toxins. So the more water the better.

Look out for the concluding part tomorrow!!!

                                         Browneyez  Beauty Consult.


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