Monday 16 May 2016

Hey There! You are a Wonder.

   Good Morning Beautiful People. It's another "New Week ". OK I know you have lots of plans, appointments, schedule and things you already have mapped out for the week., but then remember, many people who are in the hospital, mortuary and cemetery had the same last
week, last month, and even yesterday but today they are no more.
   The  truth is,  God is the one who determines who stays and who goes. As humans we can only make plans, pray and believe it goes as planned. In the event that it doesn't, don't go been too hard on your self, thinking if only you have gone left, rather than right, if only you made that call, if only you did this or that.  Don't give room for depression, anger, worry or unhealthy competitions.  If you ask me, know your strengths and weaknesses, focus on your strengths, don't dwell on your weakness  because doing so will only put you down.
      Finally, make sure you laugh a lot, wether something makes sense or not just laugh. It doesn't have to make sense all the time. " You are fearfully and Wonderfully made " Says : The word of God. King James Bible:
" i will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well".

     We the Ivoryspen Family say :You are a wonder to the world and people around you. God Bless Your Week.

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