Tuesday 30 August 2016

The Chef Episode 3

The ambulance did arrive, but they were in no hurry going about their business since the man was already dead. The bald one of his friends, which I eventually found out was his rumored lover, was entirely broken, weeping hysterically on the floor, while the gray haired one kept having hushed discussions with members of the medical team. All this while, I couldn't even
show what I felt, because it was a very selfish feeling of disappointment. I was more worried that my free ticket to my dream job just disappeared than the fact that chef fregz just died. By this time, the restaurant had been evacuated of customers.

The gray haired man came in a few minutes and picked his companion up. Then they came back together to see me, with the bald one looking much more composed.
"I'm so sorry". I said, knowing my sympathy would do little or no good
"No, I'm sorry it had to happen in your restaurant and disrupt business ". It was the gray haired one talking.
"Please, don't. Chef Fregz was my idol and his death is all that matters today". The exchange of apologies was starting to irritate me
"Thank you. Well, I spoke with the police, and they're coming to take a statement from each one of us". All this while, the bald one had this very queer expression on his face, one I couldn't quite interpret yet. I, on the other hand had completely forgotten that the police would be involved.
"Please, was he asthmatic or did he have any such disease that could have caused his death ? ". I asked
"Yes, he had been complaining about having difficulties breathing, but we never expected it to be this serious". He was starting to show some emotions now, the gray haired man. He suddenly spoke again
"That must be the police already".
So we were all outside in a few, the three of us, the ambulance team, and the police officers. But something was wrong. Everyone was staring at me. And even stranger, two of the officers approached me, wielding a handcuff. In seconds,  the cuffs were locked around my wrist , and I was being tackled to the floor as I struggled. I could barely speak.
"Get off me! What's going on?" I groaned out as they suppressed me to the floor.
"You're under arrest for the murder of Gubemi fregene, every and anything you say will be...."  his words faded into limbo.
The bald one walked up to me immediately I was picked up and spat in my face, screaming.
"Murderer! You fucking murderer! You'll rot in hell!". Everything was happening so quickly it seemed like a second between when chef fregz entered my restaurant and when I became a murder suspect.

    To Be Continued



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