Wednesday 31 August 2016

Eccl 10:1  As Dead Files Cause Even A Bottle Of Perfume To Stink , So A Little Foolishness Spoils Great Wisdom and Honor.

Don't be quick to argue, pray for confirmation before you condemn
Felicia was very happy because she finally made it towards the gate of heaven, indeed she has served the Lord and was very zealous in the work of the Lord, in fact she was on a mission field when she died, she found herself among millions of souls walking naked, but only three of them were putting on white garment, out of the whole multitude walking on the road, suddenly they came across a road written, narrow is the way that leads to eternal life
and broad is the way that leads to eternal death. other two pass through the narrow part and as Felicia wanted to follow the same narrow part, suddenly a horrible and stinking monster appear to her saying;

Medusa…………….How dare you think you can go in there with my property?

Felicia …………….Who are you ? And what property are you talking about?

Medusa…………….I am Medusa the Gorgon, and what you are putting on belongs to me

Felicia …………….No, Liar, this is the garment given to me by the lamb when I confessed him as my savior and it has being redeemed by his blood

Medusa…………….Has the hair of your head redeemed by the blood of the lamb?

Felicia…………….My head? Hmmmm it’s just an attachment, and it means nothing

Medusa…………….Thanks, you have attached my property on your head

Felicia…………….Never, I bought it from the market and Apostle Paul gave us chances to buy things sold in the market, I bought it and sanctified it with the blood of the lamb before using it

Medusa…………….Now has it being sanctified?

Felicia…………….Hmmmmm , No

Medusa…………….Look at this high way of holiness, can I walk trough it?

Felicia…………….You , never you can’t because you are unclean demon and moreover you are stinking

Medusa…………….Very well, You have spoken right. Haven’t you read in (Isiah35:8) That the  highway  of  holiness; no  unclean  pass  over  it;  but  it  shall  be for  the redeemed alone, if I can’t walk there, you can’t either

Felicia…………….I can walk there because I am redeemed, so I have the right to pass trough

Medusa……………Haven’t you read it; that a little yeast defiles the whole dough? The hair of your head can never be redeemed because it bears my identities, If I can’t walk trough that high way of holiness, then none of my property can walk there, now return my property to me before you can walk there

Felicia…………….How does it suddenly become yours, I bought it in the market.

Medusa……………I sent it to the market, and anyone who uses it uses my glory, and her appearance will looks like me in the presence of her creator, any form of hair attachment belong to me, and I will never let you take my property into the holy city, give me back my property.

Felicia……………. If that’s the case, neither you nor the devil can stop me from entering the kingdom of God, thank God I have your property here with me, take it and leave me alone

Medusa……………You must be out of your senses, did you bought it here? You must return it back to my shrine where it was manufactured before you can walk through this high way of holiness

Felicia…………….Where is your shrine?

Medusa…………….That broad way leads to my shrine

Felicia…………….No, Liar I bought it from the world, I never bought it from any shrine

Medusa……………It was manufactured from my shrine, every hair attachment belongs to me and it must be return back to me, or was it not written in your book, that give unto Cesar what belong to Cesar? Take it back to my shrine

Felicia…………….I rebuke you in the name of Jesus

Medusa…………….Aahhhhhhhhhh! If you say that to me again I will destroy you

Felicia…………….O Lord Jesus save me from this monster

Medusa……………Why calling him? Didn’t he warn you to be content with what he has given you? You have the right to claim what is yours, and I have the right to claim what is mine, Revelation21:27 warned you, that none of my property can enter into that holy city, Return it now or I destroy you

Felicia…………….Okay I’m sorry, let me return it here, I don’t want to go to that broad way,

Medusa……………No transaction was made here, you must follow me to my shrine where it was manufactured from

Felicia……………. Please Ma, I’m sorry I didn’t know it’s yours, please forgive me, I won’t do it again, Jesus  please save me, I am your servant

When she realized that Jesus was not answering her, and the Angels she saw far way were not minding them, then she begin to cry and begging for mercy, and help from medusa. Suddenly as she tried to rebuke her again in the name of Jesus, Medusa stabbed her with her arrow and drag her in chain back to the broad way, and that was her end. She has indeed work for the Lord, served the Lord and live a life of holiness and righteousness, just that she refused to believe that little hair attachment can be so strong and powerful to stopped her from heaven, even after many warning from different testifiers (Let’s stop here)

Hell has enlarged itself, and it’s never full, I know many will reject this warning and will be ready to condemned it, you are free to do that, but that day, the owner of the abomination on your head will come to claim what belong to her and even prove you with that bible , also be ready to argue with her like Felicia, keep saying your pastor wife is using it, and she said it’s not a sin, don’t worry hell is big enough to accommodate both you and your pastors wife, keep on looking at men as your own model, he that has ear, let him hear what the spirit is telling the church, but if you still want to call it lies, don’t worry there are even latest outside, in affordable price, Grab yours quickly
Story composed by (AyRinging)

Source:  Ay Gbenga Elufidipe

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