Monday 29 August 2016

The Chef Episode 2

The waiter took his order and now walked towards me. Chef Fregz ordered for the Chefs Special. I was to pick what he would eat. Things were only getting more tense for me. I didn't know if I should serve him grilled shrimp scampi or salmon tacos or Oyster soup. My sous chef encouraged me to make the oyster soup, he said it was my best meal. So I got to it.
I took me a while to remember how to cook generally but I did manage to finish in minutes, I called my sous chef again for the ceremonial tasting.
"How is it?" I asked him

"It's wonderful chef, it's great ". I trusted him and so I said a prayer and sent the meal out.
The kitchen was dead silent now, as every one waited for chef fregz to take his first spoon. And he did.
Time seemed to pause forever between when the spoon hit his mouth and when he finished swallowing.  He first looked at one of his friends with his typical blank expression, then he looked straight at me through the one way window which I didn't think anybody ever noticed. And he smiled. A ridiculous grin from ear to ear .I could barely believe what was unfolding before my eyes, chef fregz just endorsed my culinary skills, and to make things better, he ordered three take out packs. I made his take outs and went to my cubicle of an office, and all I could do was shed tears of joy. I remembered the hopelessness I felt when my parents died and how far I had come. Anyway, my reminiscing was cut short by a knock on the door. I opened up, and Chef Fregz was standing there, still smiling .
I ushered him to my seat, and sat in the visitors' seat, my mind was in shambles.
He spoke"Young man, you're special."
"Thank you sir". I whispered, because the tears were returning
"What I tasted today is beyond here. I don't want you cooking here anymore, and I am willing to give anything to let the world taste what you can do". He waited a while for a response and continued
"Where would you love to work?". He asked.
I still kept my face down so he won't see the tears on it. "With Anthony bourdain" I replied. Then was a long silence. A long awkward one. I felt he was taking time to find the nicest way to decline my request. Till I heard chef fregz struggling for breath. I looked up and he was still seated, but his eyes were bulging out and he had both hands on his neck, blood running down his neck from his mouth and nose. A wave of panic hit me, panic like nothing I had ever felt. I just dashed out and screamed "Call an ambulance!"
I returned with some of my colleagues and his entourage, and the security detail got to work, trying to help him breath better, but in less than a minute, the bleeding man went limp. And the security personnel looked at me, with shock and fear in his eyes, and said, "He's dead".
My sweetest dream was quickly turning into my worst nightmare.

       To Be Continued


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