Friday 24 June 2016

Tips On Sexual Assault Prevention And Dressing.

Sexual assault is any type of forced or coerced sexual contact or behavior that happens without consent. Sexual assault is any involuntary sexual act in which a person is coerced or physically forced to engage against their will, or any non-consensual sexual touching of a person. This means that it's not until a person is raped only that he or she can be said to have
been assaulted sexually ; non-consensual sexual touching is sexual assault.
    Sexual assault, is not different from sexual abuse and child molestation because they are forms of it. The trauma associated with it, is quite scary and painful too. This is why we must be careful and security conscious everywhere we find ourselves, at any given time. We must also follow our instincts when it speaks to us. The truth is that both male and female are now exposed to been possible victims of Sexual assault unlike in the time past when women were the main victims. It's therefore important we take some measures to protect ourselves.
     Here are some Tips :
1) Be alert. Don't assume that you are always safe. Think about your safety every where.
2)  Trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable in any gathering place or situation, leave.
3) Walk close to the curb. Avoid door ways bushes and alleys.
4)  Never give the impression that you are home alone if strangers telephone or come to the house.
5)  If you come home and find a door or window open or signs of forced entry don't go in. Go to the nearest safest place and call the law enforcement authorities.
6) Always walk, drive, and park your car in well lit areas.
7)  If you have car trouble, raise the hood and stay inside your car. If a stranger wants to help, have him or her call for help. Don't leave your car.
8) Dress  discreetly, use a body or belt wallet. Study how the locals carry themselves, then imitate them.
9) Keep your car doors locked and never pick up hitchhikers.
10) Before leaving the house, make sure you always dress modestly. Don't dress in away that  gives the impression that you are sexually available.

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