Wednesday 15 June 2016

Eating Healthily : Vegetables

Eating healthily is not always easy. It's very important to get it right. The type of food you eat, has a major effect on your health. Eating a well - balanced diet, reduce your risk of various diseases as: heart disease,well as help you maintain a healthy weight.
     Healthy eating starts with new ways to eat such as fresh fruits, vegetables, grains and cutting back on foods that have a lot of fat, salt and sugar. One of the easiest way to stay
healthy, is to eat lots of vegetables and fruits.
  Vegetables can be prepared as soups, as an ingredient in a meal, or as salad in different forms and types. Below is a recipe for vegetable salad.

                                                      Vegetable Salad
            Ingredients :
> Carrot
> Cabbage
> Cucumber
> Eggs
> Baked beans
> Fresh tomatoes
> Green peas
> Onions
> Sweet corn
> Salad cream for dressing

                                                 Preparation :

° peel the green part of the cucumber and remove it's seed
° Wash and chop the carrot, cucumber and cabbage, and set aside
° Wash and slice the lettuce leaves, and boil the eggs
° Sieve the baked beans, green peas and set aside
° Slice the tomatoes and the onions
° For the mixing, spread the chopped cabbage on a tray
° Followed by carrot, green peas, baked beans, cucumber and the lettuce
° Repeat the same step until tray is full
° Slice the eggs and put on top of the mixture with the sliced onions and tomatoes.
° Add the cream when serving.

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