Friday 17 June 2016

C- Section Recovery Tips

  1) Ask For And Receive Help :
Recovering from surgery as a new mom  and coming to terms of having a baby, this is no time for humility. This is the time to rest more and allow family members do something for you. When people ask what they can do for you, thank them and list all what you will need. People love to assist new mothers in many ways, don't push them away;  accept their help.
     Acknowledge you  have not only had a baby, you  have had a surgery, and your body needs to recover.

  2)  Focus On Nutritious Diet : C- section recovery starts from the inside. Eating nourishing
foods is the best treat you can give your body after having a baby and could even make recovery easier following a major surgery.
     Magnesium rich foods, like leafy greens, nuts, seeds and avocados can help.

3) Care For Your Scar :
  Taking care of your c-section Scar may not be the first thing on your mind after having a baby, but paying attention to this delicate area immediately post - op can help to improve Scar appearance and skin recovery. It is also important to keep the area covered to avoid infection.

4) Start walking but avoid lifting. Don’t do any lifting, including the baby if possible.

5) Practice Bracing :
    The first thing women can do as soon as they get home is bracing This means, pulling the belly button into the spine for five seconds and relaxing. Bracing can be done as much as possible, standing, laying down or sitting.

6)  Try Rolling Instead Of Sitting :
It's a natural urge in moms to pop up in bed when you hear new baby crying in the night, but try to resist if you can. Women should avoid sitting up in bed, off the ground at all cost, as the internal pressure is too great on the incision. Instead roll to one side, and push your self upright with your arms.

7) Be Kind To Your Self :
     As a new mom, when the stress starts to get the best of you, and you feel like you are taking too much than you can handle as a mom, not to mention as a surgical patient, take a break, few deep breaths and pamper yourself.
  If you break down, it's not good for you or the baby.

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