Sunday 18 September 2016

The Chef Episode 7

"Why are you telling me all these?". That was the question I chose to ask.
"Let's just say I've been just as blind as you've been". He said that with fear like failure to tell me would cost him as much as his life. That was good enough for me.
"So what is all this Tahir drama about?". I desperately needed clarity.
He sighed. "That is a really long story".
"I have time ". And he started.
"Tahir as you must have heard, was chef fregz's lover and I have been a friend of Gubemi since childhood. Theirs was probably the best homosexual love story ever till chef fregz willed
all he had to Tahir. As soon as Tahir found out that chef fregz willed every single dime to him, he started looking for ways to get all of Chef fregz's property as soon as possible. That's about 100 million dollars. I warned chef fregz's that Tahir would try to kill him, but that wasn't enough to make him end thier abomination of a relationship. Then Tahir found out that chef fregz was becoming suspicious, so he crafted a long term plan that was almost untraceable. That is where you come in. You're just a pawn in a much bigger plot". He paused as he saw the confusion in my eyes. But I was too curious to ask any questions, I just urged him to go on.
"Your wife, bridget is not what she has always seemed. As a matter of fact, her name is not Bridget, she's Zeliat Sanni, Tahir's sister. Tahir simply searched for the fastest growing chef de cuisine in the country, which happened to be you, and planted his sister with you in anticipation of when chef fregz would inevitably visit your restaurant. You meeting her in that parking lot was not a coincidence, she was waiting for you there. The plan was for her to just date you, but since you came up with marriage, she just played along . So, a week before he visited, Tahir informed Zeliat and she put everything in place to make you look guilty, and on the D day, right before everyone of us, Tahir slipped the substance in chef fregz's food right before our unsuspecting eyes at the table and, Bravo, mission complete"
The good part of what I had just heard was that I was considered the fastest growing chef nationwide and the rest was the bad part. I had no hand in what had befallen me, I guess my crime was that I cooked a bit too well. Ever since the court hearing where Bridget had testified against me, my will to live was shaky, but with my recent realization that she never loved me, that our whole relationship was a prequel to that moment, that she was just being used to use me, I now felt anger deep within me. I now saw that I didn't deserve to die over someone so petty. She deceived me for a year and then condemned me to death. I was suddenly rejuvenated by a thirst for vengeance that was scaring even me.
"Are you sure of all these? ". I asked even though I knew he was speaking the truth.
"Tahir's plan was impeccable but he made one silly mistake. Email. He used email to communicate with Zeliat knowing that a cell phone would be far too risky for such a long term task. He logged in on the computer at chef fregz's place, and perhaps, out of excitement, he forgot to log out. I stumbled upon his conversations with Zeliat and that's how I know all these. I have enough to prove your innocence. You're going to be free". I was beyond happy, I was ecstatic, not just because I was going to be released, but because Tahir and Zeliat were going to replace me in jail too. I could barely contain my excitement. And a warden came in right at that moment.
"You have another visitor". He said with a frown, probably wondering why I suddenly had two in one day after having none for two weeks.
"Who is it?" I asked, just as confused as he was .
"It's your wife ".

    To Be Continued...


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