Wednesday 14 September 2016

The Chef Episode 6

Two weeks after the court hearing and two weeks to the day I was to die, I sat in the prison cell reflecting as I had done daily for 14 days. I thought about bridget. Chef Fregz had become a very minor factor in the whole plot for me, all that mattered to me was that the woman I loved, actually the only person I truly allowed myself to love in the world, would betray me so easily. She condemned me to death without breaking a sweat. My lawyer came with an option
of appealing for life imprisonment, but then I realized that I would rather die than spend the rest of my life in helplessness and pain, so I turned him down. However, what really perplexed me was why and how she did it. I did not understand why she would do what she did.  I met her weeks before I became chef de cuisine at the restaurant and her love for me was crystal clear from that day. She arrived very late that day, and being an energetic young sous chef, I was the last chef to leave the kitchen. I met her out front and she had this terrible look of disappointment on her face. We got talking and she said she had been waiting all week to have her favorite meal but traffic had slowed her down and she arrived late, I apologized and encouraged her to come back the next day and we said our goodbyes. I was about entering my car when she called my back. Apparently, the vehicle won't start and it was getting very late, so I tried my very lousy mechanic skills on it and they proved futile so I offered to drive her home. We got to her place, and just like the 80s movies, we stared at each other in silence and we were having sex in the back seat in minutes. From there it was just blissful, she loved me and she showed it every single day, we got married in six months, and she was going to get me killed six months into the marriage. The whole was just unbelievable for me.
Then I heard a knock on the gate, and a warden was there opening the gate. I had a visitor. I was very shocked. Of the two people who cared about me, one wanted me dead, and the other was in Paris and I had given strict orders that no one inform my uncle of what was going on. So I walked to the visitors room with no idea of who wanted to see me. I got there and I could not believe who had come visiting. It was chef fregz's gray haired friend. He was looking very uneasy, his calm demanour that I could remember was gone, he was jittery and uncalm.
He spoke in a hushed tone. "I can't do it anymore".
I couldn't understand him at all. "Do what? Why are you here?".
"I have some things to tell you". He looked at me as if scared to go on, but he went on
"I know that you did not murder chef fregz, in fact, I know who did".
After Bridget's confession, I really had not given any thought to any other person as the possible killer of Chef fregz, it could only have been her. But I was to be shocked.
"Do you remember the man that came with chef fregz and I to the restaurant?. He asked.
Of course I remembered the bald man that seemed to hate me so much for killing his lover.
"Yes, I remember him. The bald one who spat in my face". I replied.
"Yes, yes. That is Tahir Sanni, he is the killer ". Immediately he said that, about a dozen question flooded my mind. Why would Tahir kill fregz? Why would the gray haired man snitch on Tahir? Did this mean that somehow, Bridget was innocent?. I needed answers desperately.

To Be Continued


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