Friday 2 September 2016

A Day In Hades 5

I  was absolutely certain I was dead
A lead bullet was deeply rooted in my head
But I could still feel my heart beating
And I could hear myself breathing
A cop was moving towards me stealthily
The cop that had just shot Kimberly
I was numb physically and emotionally
I was alive but I was functioning mechanically
The cop felt his job was properly done
The killer had to be the woman with the gun

In a couple of hours, I was at the station
For a written statement and an oral declaration
Even though hell or prison had been a prospect
I wasn't even being considered a suspect
I was called to identify the evidence
Which included the very genesis of the incidence
I saw the seargent monitoring me turn
So I very quietly picked the damned gun
I check my watch and saw the time clock twelve
And my day in hades ended as I killed myself
This story contains no teachings or lesson
Just enjoyment in the misfortune of a simple person

         The End

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