Friday 2 September 2016

The Chef Episode 4

If I have ever felt dismay and hopelessness like I did that day, then it's beyond my memory. Every minute of the ride to the police station at Ikoyi was torture, the handcuffs seemed to be getting heavier and tighter with time, and the hostility from the cops was just driving me insane . The policeman in the front seat would glance back at me every once in a while and stab my heart again with a piercing, hateful glare. We arrived the police station finally. But
little did I know that I was yet to see the worst of that day.

The only kind of joy or hope I felt at that station was when I wrote down Bridget's phone number as who I wanted to be informed of the situation. Bridget was the only person I wanted to see in the world. We had grown to become inseparable. She effortlessly lifted that weight of grief that rested on me since the death of my parents with love, affection, and understanding just the way I needed it. With her ,I became both a better person and a better chef. So I waited to see her. And when she walked into the interrogation room, I burst into tears for the second time that day, and she embraced me. Just what I needed. Her scent soothed me immediately. I kept sobbing uncontrollably. And she just held me, with that typical calm that made me adore her so much. She kissed my forehead and said,
"It'll be fine honey". And I believed her. For some reason, I knew she was telling the truth. She spoke again,
"The autopsy just came in. The meal at the restaurant was poisoned". She had barely finished talking, when a fresh wave of tears hit me and I resumed my weeping.
"I already called the lawyer, just keep calm, I know you didn't do it". She just kept stroking my head gently till I fell asleep.

Two weeks later and I was seated in the dreaded defendant section before the judge presiding the case, and with every glance back, I saw three things, the reassuring smile of Barrister Charles, my attorney, the beautiful calm face of Bridget, and the hateful glare of Chef Fregz's bald friend right behind the prosecutor. At that point, I had no worries whatsoever, Barrister Charles and bridget had spent some time, right before the hearing begun, to pacify my doubts and prepare me mentally for the pressure and tension of the courtroom. In a few minutes, the pre-hearing formalities had been completed and the prosecutor was already stating his case. He went on and on about why he thought I killed Chef Fregz, but I barely heard anything he said, I had no interest in what he was saying, until I heard him call Bridget to the witness stand. She walked with confidence and clear conviction. Then the questioning began,
"Who are you to the accused? He asked.
"I am the wife of the accused".I noticed she was trying to be simple and brief with her reply.
"In the murder case of Gubemi Fregene alias Chef Fregz, do you think your husband is guilty or not? ". He leaned in after asking as if trying to see her mind through her eyes.
She hesitated a bit, looked straight at me, and smiled the way only she can. I smiled back. And she replied,
"My husband is responsible for the murder of Gubemi Fregene ".

          To Be Continued...


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