Monday 7 November 2016

6 Natural Remedies For Arthritis

The Inflammation in the joints which causes stiffness and pain is called arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, and can be caused when the joint cartilage wears away, bone rubs against bone, but gets worse as age increases. Over the years, doctors treat arthritis with painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs but still advise patients to seek the natural methods.
If you are suffering from arthritis pain and prefer the natural remedy? Here are 6 proven pain
remedy that you can help you ease the pain. Before applying these natural remedies, it is advisable to consult your doctor to guide you through the different processes.

Weight loss

This is by far the best remedy as far as curbing arthritis is concerned. The extra weight can cause a big impact as it adds more pressure on your knees, hips and feet. To maintain a healthy weight, and losing weight if necessary even if it is not easy can reduce stress on the joints and reduce the pain that causes arthritis.

Do Exercises

For people suffering from osteoarthritis, exercise or any physical activity that involves mobility is important. These movements help the joints to be flexible. You might want to start with aerobics, walking around your house and if you are older, you could try swimming.
There is a common myth as people tend to think that exercise increases arthritis pain, but that is not true, unless you engage in hard exercises like sprinting, fast jogging. As earlier said, engage in exercise programs that involves light aerobics, biking, walking etc.

Hot and Cold Therapy

If you’d love watching sport games, like soccer or football, you would notice this kind of therapy being applied to injured players with joint pain. Cold treatments are good for relieving joint pains. Wrapping an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables in a towel and apply it to painful joints can bring quick relief. When it comes to arthritis pain, simple hot and cold treatments can make the difference. Warm showers or baths—especially in the morning—help ease stiffness in your joints. Use an electric blanket or heating pad at night to keep your joints loose and use moist heating pads.

Apply Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical treatment that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on your body. This is supposed to re-route energies and restore balance in your body.
Though, it is thought that acupuncture has the ability to reduce arthritis pain. Be sure to find an experienced acupuncturist, if you want to try this treatment method.

Eat Meals Rich in Fatty Acids

For a better health, everyone needs to include omega-3 fatty acids in their diets. Research has it that fish oil supplements, gamma-linolenic acid which are high in omega-3s also help reduce joint stiffness and pain. These fats may also help your arthritis. However, be sure to check with your doctor before taking them.


According to the Arthritis Foundation, engaging in regular massaging of arthritic joints can help reduce pain, stiffness and improve mobility. Schedule appointments with a physical therapist regularly and also learn how to self-massage.

Source :HealthnFitness Guide

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