Friday 22 December 2017

10 Things Happy People Understand pt2

6. They show up for life
Happy people are present in every aspect of their lives. They will not be on their phones when having lunch with you. They give activities and people their full attention. They understand that showing up and being present is a major part of being alive. They refuse to let their lives pass them by because they were too busy looking at a screen.

They show up. They listen. They pay attention. Happy people make everyone feel like they were heard.

7. They don’t have self limiting beliefs
Happy people understand that where they are in life is largely because of what they believe is possible for themselves. Somewhere between childhood and adulthood we lose the ability to dream big. Happy people have held on to those dreams.

They believe that they are enough. They are smart enough. They are pretty enough. They are enough to fulfill the dreams that lie within them.

The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance, because believing that you’re
enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect.-Brené Brown

Ultimately, it is the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect that propels your life forward into your greater destiny.

8. They don’t compare their journey to others
Happy people understand that there really is nothing to prove to anyone. The only one they have to please is themselves. Each soul has their own journey so comparing themselves to someone else does not serve any purpose. They are their own yardstick, their own measure of success. They strive to be better than they were yesterday.

9. They concentrate on “what is” instead of “what could have been”
Happy people don’t spend their time concentrating on “what could have been”. They learn to forgive and accept “what is”.

They understand that holding on to the past will poison their future. Pastor Joel Osteen wrote this about holding onto the past in his book, Become A Better You:

The car you drive has a large windshield, but only a relatively small rearview mirror. The implication is obvious: What happened in your past is not nearly as important as what is in your future. Where you are going is much more important than where you’ve been.

Happy people are concentrating on looking forward at their windshield instead of looking back into the rearview mirror.

10. They transform through pain
Happy people take painful experiences and use them for transformation. They understand that sometimes it takes being broken open to finally break free. When they go through the trials of life, they ask, “What is this here to teach me?” and “How can I learn it with grace?”

The struggle of my life created empathy – I could relate to pain, being abandoned, having people not love me.-Oprah Winfrey
Like Oprah, they use their pain to fortify their soul. They gather the strength to use their heartbreak as a force for personal growth and to inspire change in the world. It is in this transformation that they go through the process of death of their former selves and rebirth of one that is incredibly resilient.

Happy people understand that it is through pain that they are transformed. And it is through transformation that they begin to see the light that is within themselves.
----Smita Malhotra

Let's talk........

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