Monday 26 June 2017

7 Powerful Health Benefits of Moringa

Moringa is a native flowering plant commonly found in the western region of Africa. This plant is widely cultivated here in Nigeria due to it’s medicinal and nutritional values.

1. Moringa has the ability to control the cholesterol level in the body and also has essential amino acids to balance sugar level, thus making it potent in the fight against diabetes

2. Daily intake of moringa increases the mechanism of the body’s natural defence. Thus, it
stimulates immunity as prescribed for AIDS-afflicted patients.

3. The plant is a rich source of Vitamin A. It is has four times more Vitamin A than carrots. The leaves also contain seven times more potassium than bananas and have large quantities of zinc.

4. It is a highly rich source of Vitamin C as it contains Vitamin C five times more than oranges. Also the amount of calcium present in moringa leaves is way higher than in milk.

5. It is very useful for mothers, who just gave birth as the consumption of moringa will help in increasing the quantity of breast milk.

6. One of the amazing health benefits of moringa leaves is that its regular consumption can also help in weight loss, it is also a non-sugar based energy drink.

7. Finally, it helps in protecting the liver, kidneys and can also be used as a water purifier. People suffering from insomnia find the use of moringa beneficial for it helps in regulating sleep cycles.

Source : Nigerian Nfopedia

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