Sunday 28 August 2016

A Day In Hades 1

I had a terrible day at work ,
My day was void of any sort of luck
I moved with the speed of a snail
As I progressed down the traffic trail
I sipped the soda I bought with some grocery
I heard a bang and spilled it on my upholstery
I looked out to see my mirror broken

And a biker already pleading with eyes wide open
I ignored the calamity and told him to go
But on a good day, I wouldn't have done so
My temper was getting strained gradually
But we were approaching the intersection finally
I couldn't wait to get home and see Kimberly
My wife who was waiting for me patiently
I saw the free road as I took the right turn
So I pressed the pedal and let the gas burn
I closed my eyes as I recovered long lost speed
In a bid to get my temper and tension healed
I knew my run of bad luck had to stop
Then I opened my eyes and looked up
There was a woman, a child and my foot on the pedal
In a matter of seconds, flesh had collided with metal
In the moment, time seemed to pause
My bad day had just gotten worse

     To Be  Continued...


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