Monday 16 May 2016

Skincare Essential Tips 1

Today we would be talking about some basic skincare essentials that would leave your skin looking healthy and well taken care of.
The Skin is the largest organ in the human body, yet it's often woefully taken for granted. People pamper their hearts and agonize over their waistlines, but their skin can get totally overlooked. Sure, they might spread a little lotion on their body, but that's often the extent of
many skin-care regimes.
That is not, however, what dermatologists recommend. Your Skin needs a little TLC to stay healthy, just like every other organ you have, and that means making some time for it on a daily basis. Some of this stuff is just sound advice that benefits other parts of the body as well, but lots of it is quite specific to skin. So in no particular order, here are 10 daily must-haves if you want to sport younger, healthier looking skin.

• Cleansers

We'll kick it off with the basics: Cleansers are your friends. This probably doesn't come as a big shock to anyone, but one of the simplest strategies for making sure your skin has a healthy glow is to wash it. Different skin types need different cleansers, so as with many skin-care products, look for one tailored to your specific needs.

Facing shelf after shelf of cleansers at the grocery store can be daunting, but here are a few
quick tips.
* Fragrances and dyes can irritate some people's skin, so you may want to avoid those if you aren't sure yours can handle it.
* Mild and gentle is also a good route to go -- it may feel satisfying to put your face through a super-scrub session, but an ordeal like that usually harms more than it helps.

Your Skin doesn't need to feel tight and dry to be considered clean. In fact, that usually means you've stripped away important layers of natural oils or left some soapy residue behind. So cut your skin some slack and it'll thank you for it later.

• Take a Chill Pill

Nope, I ain't recommending you take some kind of  but instead you learn to have a little "me time" and relax. Stress can wreak havoc on even the best skin, and it causes lots of other unpleasant effects on the body, too.

If your skin is under undue duress (even if bad skin is what's stressing you out in the first place) it can eventually become thin and less able to regenerate itself. And if you thought the acne was bad, just wait until the itching, redness and eczema set in.

So try to calm down -- that zit doesn't look as awful as you think, and if you don't get everything done on your to-do list for the day, chances are excellent the world won't come screeching to a halt. With any luck, your skin will start to mellow out, too.☺️

• Exercise

You might be tired of hearing how important exercise is for good health, but how about just once more? "Exercise is important for good health -- including skin health." Plus, it's really not that bad. Just try hitting the gym or taking a brisk stroll around the block or even doing a few house chores!...and you might find yourself enjoying the feeling of a solid workout.

Regular exercise not only helps flush out pores and fight acne, it can also aid skin by promoting toxin removal and decreasing signs of aging by boosting collagen production and diminishing wrinkles.

The acne bit tends to work like this, although like the rest of these benefits, results may vary. Stress amps up the production of certain hormones -- many of which have been linked to acne flare-ups -- and exercise is believed to help decrease stress levels and this equates to less acne. A good workout also sends more oxygen and nutrients pumping through your bloodstream.

Tomorrow we shall be looking at more essential tips...

               Browneyez Beauty Consult.


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